Source code for sqlalchemy_unchained.model_registry

import sqlalchemy as sa
import warnings

from collections import defaultdict
from py_meta_utils import McsArgs, McsInitArgs, Singleton, deep_getattr
from sqlalchemy.exc import SAWarning
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperProperty
from typing import *

[docs]class ModelRegistry(metaclass=Singleton): """ The SQLAlchemy Unchained model registry. """ enable_lazy_mapping: bool = False default_primary_key_column: str = 'id' def __init__(self): from .base_model import BaseModel as Model # keyed by: # values are the base classes themselves # ordered by registration/discovery order, so the last class to be # inserted into this lookup is the correct base class to use self._base_model_classes: Dict[str, Type[Model]] = {} # all discovered models "classes", before type.__new__ has been called: # - keyed by model class name # - order of keys signifies model class discovery order at import time # - values are a lookup of: # - keys: module name of this particular model class # - values: McsArgs(model_mcs, name, bases, clsdict) # this dict is used for inspecting base classes when __new__ is # called on a model class that extends another of the same name self._registry: Dict[str, Dict[str, McsArgs]] = defaultdict(dict) # actual model classes awaiting initialization (after type.__new__ but # before type.__init__): # - keyed by model class name # - values are McsInitArgs(model_cls, name, bases, clsdict) # this lookup contains the knowledge of which version of a model class # should maybe get mapped (BaseModelMetaclass populates this dict # via the register method - insertion order of the correct version of a # model class by name is therefore determined by the import order of # bundles' models modules (essentially, by the RegisterModelsHook)) self._models: Dict[str, McsInitArgs] = {} # like self._models, except its values are the relationships each model # class name expects on the other side # - keyed by model class name # - values are a dict: # - keyed by the model name on the other side # - value is the attribute expected to exist self._relationships: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} # which keys in self._models have already been initialized self._initialized: Set[str] = set() def register_base_model_class(self, model): self._base_model_classes[model.__module__ + '.' + model.__name__] = model def _reset(self): """ This method is for use by tests only! """ self._base_model_classes = {} self._registry = defaultdict(dict) self._models = {} self._initialized = set() self._relationships = {} def register_new(self, mcs_args: McsArgs) -> None: if self._should_convert_bases_to_mixins(mcs_args): self._convert_bases_to_mixins(mcs_args) self._registry[][mcs_args.module] = mcs_args def register(self, mcs_init_args: McsInitArgs) -> None: self._models[] = mcs_init_args if not self.enable_lazy_mapping or not mcs_init_args.cls.Meta.lazy_mapped: self._initialized.add( relationships = mcs_init_args.cls.Meta.relationships if relationships: self._relationships[] = relationships
[docs] def finalize_mappings(self) -> Dict[str, object]: """ Returns a dictionary of the model classes that were finalized. Keyed by the names of the model classes, values are the classes themselves. """ from sqlalchemy_unchained.base_model_metaclass import DeclarativeMeta # this outer loop is needed to perform initializations in the order the # classes were originally discovered at import time for name in self._registry: if self.should_initialize(self._models[name]): model_cls, name, bases, clsdict = self._models[name] model_cls._pre_mcs_init() super(DeclarativeMeta, model_cls).__init__(name, bases, clsdict) model_cls._post_mcs_init() self._initialized.add(name) return {name: self._models[name].cls for name in self._initialized}
[docs] def should_initialize(self, mcs_init_args: McsInitArgs) -> bool: """ Whether or not the model represented by ``mcs_init_args`` should be initialized. """ model_name = if model_name in self._initialized: return False if model_name not in self._relationships: return True with warnings.catch_warnings(): # not all related classes will have been initialized yet, ie they # might still be non-mapped from SQLAlchemy's perspective, which is # safe to ignore here filter_re = r'Unmanaged access of declarative attribute \w+ from ' \ r'non-mapped class \w+' warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', filter_re, SAWarning) for related_model_name in self._relationships[model_name]: related_model = self._models[related_model_name].cls try: other_side_relationships = \ self._relationships[related_model_name] except KeyError: related_model_module = \ self._models[related_model_name].cls.__module__ raise KeyError( 'Incomplete `relationships` Meta declaration for ' f'{related_model_module}.{related_model_name} ' f'(missing {model_name})') if model_name not in other_side_relationships: continue related_attr = other_side_relationships[model_name] if hasattr(related_model, related_attr): return True
def _ensure_correct_base_model(self, mcs_args: McsArgs) -> None: """ Makes sure the given ``mcs_args`` uses the correct BaseModel class. """ if not self._base_model_classes: return correct_base = list(self._base_model_classes.values())[-1] for b in mcs_args.bases: if issubclass(b, correct_base): return mcs_args.clsdict['Meta'] = \ deep_getattr({}, mcs_args.bases, 'Meta', None) mcs_args.bases = tuple([correct_base] + list(mcs_args.bases)) def _should_convert_bases_to_mixins(self, mcs_args: McsArgs) -> bool: """ Figures out whether the base classes for the given ``mcs_args`` should be converted to mixins (as opposed to extending BaseModel) """ if mcs_args.Meta.polymorphic: return False for b in mcs_args.bases: if b.__name__ in self._registry: return True return in self._registry def _convert_bases_to_mixins(self, mcs_args: McsArgs) -> None: """ For each base class in bases that the ModelRegistry knows about, create a replacement class containing the methods and attributes from the base class: - the mixin should only extend object (not db.Model) - if any of the attributes are MapperProperty instances (relationship, association_proxy, etc), then turn them into @declared_attr props """ def _mixin_name(name): return name + '_FSQLAConvertedMixin' new_base_names = set() new_bases = [] for b in reversed(mcs_args.bases): if b.__name__ not in self._registry: if b not in new_bases: new_bases.append(b) continue _, base_name, base_bases, base_clsdict = \ self._registry[b.__name__][b.__module__] for bb in reversed(base_bases): if bb.__module__ + '.' + bb.__name__ in self._base_model_classes: if bb not in new_bases: new_bases.append(bb) elif (bb.__name__ not in new_base_names and _mixin_name(bb.__name__) not in new_base_names): new_base_names.add(bb.__name__) new_bases.append(bb) clsdict = {} for attr, value in base_clsdict.items(): if attr in {'__name__', '__qualname__'}: continue has_fk = isinstance(value, sa.Column) and value.foreign_keys if has_fk or isinstance(value, MapperProperty): # programmatically add a method wrapped with declared_attr # to the new mixin class exec("""\ @declared_attr def {attr}(self): return value """.format(attr=attr), {'value': value, 'declared_attr': declared_attr}, clsdict) else: clsdict[attr] = value mixin_name = _mixin_name(base_name) new_bases.append(type(mixin_name, (object,), clsdict)) new_base_names.add(mixin_name) mcs_args.bases = tuple(reversed(new_bases))
__all__ = [ 'ModelRegistry', ]