Source code for sqlalchemy_unchained

import functools

from py_meta_utils import META_OPTIONS_FACTORY_CLASS_ATTR_NAME
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
    from sqlalchemy.orm import registry
    from sqlalchemy.orm import declared_attr
    from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base as _declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm.decl_base import _declarative_constructor
except ImportError:
    # SQLAlchemy 1.3
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base as _declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.base import _declarative_constructor
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method, hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship as _relationship
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import (

from .base_model import BaseModel
from .base_model_metaclass import DeclarativeMeta
from .base_query import BaseQuery, QueryMixin
from .foreign_key import foreign_key
from .model_manager import ModelManager
from .model_meta_options import ColumnMetaOption, ModelMetaOptionsFactory
from .model_registry import ModelRegistry
from .session_manager import SessionManager
from .validation import BaseValidator, Required, ValidationError, ValidationErrors

    'ix': 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
    'uq': 'uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s',
    'ck': 'ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s',
    'fk': 'fk_%(table_name)s_to_%(column_0_name)s_on_%(referred_table_name)s',
    'pk': 'pk_%(table_name)s',

# copied from flask-sqlalchemy (BSD license)
def _set_default_query_class(d, query_cls):
    if 'query_class' not in d:
        d['query_class'] = query_cls

# copied from flask-sqlalchemy (BSD license)
def _wrap_with_default_query_class(fn, query_cls):
    def newfn(*args, **kwargs):
        _set_default_query_class(kwargs, query_cls)
        if "backref" in kwargs:
            backref = kwargs['backref']
            if isinstance(backref, str):
                backref = (backref, {})
            _set_default_query_class(backref[1], query_cls)
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return newfn

[docs]def declarative_base(model=BaseModel, name='Model', bind=None, metadata=None, mapper=None, class_registry=None, metaclass=DeclarativeMeta): """ Construct a base class for declarative class definitions. The new base class will be given a metaclass that produces appropriate :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects and makes the appropriate :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper` calls based on the information provided declaratively in the class and any subclasses of the class. :param bind: An optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connectable`, will be assigned the ``bind`` attribute on the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance. :param metadata: An optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance. All :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects implicitly declared by subclasses of the base will share this MetaData. A MetaData instance will be created if none is provided. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance will be available via the `metadata` attribute of the generated declarative base class. :param mapper: An optional callable, defaults to :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper`. Will be used to map subclasses to their Tables. :param model: Defaults to :class:`~sqlalchemy_unchained.BaseModel`. A type to use as the base for the generated declarative base class. May be a class or a tuple of classes. :param name: Defaults to ``Model``. The display name for the generated class. Customizing this is not required, but can improve clarity in tracebacks and debugging. :param class_registry: An optional dictionary that will serve as the registry of class names-> mapped classes when string names are used to identify classes inside of :func:`.relationship` and others. Allows two or more declarative base classes to share the same registry of class names for simplified inter-base relationships. :param metaclass: Defaults to :class:`~sqlalchemy_unchained.DeclarativeMeta`. The metaclass to use as the meta type of the generated declarative base class. If you want to customize this, your metaclass must extend :class:`~sqlalchemy_unchained.DeclarativeMeta`. """ if not isinstance(model, DeclarativeMeta): def make_model_metaclass(name, bases, clsdict): clsdict['__abstract__'] = True clsdict['__module__'] = model.__module__ if hasattr(model, 'Meta'): clsdict['Meta'] = model.Meta if hasattr(model, META_OPTIONS_FACTORY_CLASS_ATTR_NAME): clsdict[META_OPTIONS_FACTORY_CLASS_ATTR_NAME] = \ getattr(model, META_OPTIONS_FACTORY_CLASS_ATTR_NAME) return metaclass(name, bases, clsdict) if (metadata is not None and metadata.naming_convention is _SQLA_DEFAULT_NAMING_CONVENTION): metadata.naming_convention = METADATA_NAMING_CONVENTION model = _declarative_base( bind=bind, cls=model, class_registry=class_registry, name=name, mapper=mapper, metadata=metadata or MetaData(naming_convention=METADATA_NAMING_CONVENTION), metaclass=make_model_metaclass, # use the model's __init__ constructor if it's present constructor=(None if getattr(model, '__init__') != object.__init__ else _declarative_constructor), ) ModelRegistry().register_base_model_class(model) # if user passed in a declarative base and a metadata for some reason, # make sure the base uses the metadata if metadata is not None and model.metadata is not metadata: model.metadata = metadata return model
[docs]def scoped_session_factory(bind=None, scopefunc=None, query_cls=BaseQuery, **kwargs): """ Creates a scoped session using :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.sessionmaker`. See the SQLAlchemy documentation on `Contextual Sessions <>`_ to learn more. :param bind: An :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` or other :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connectable` with which newly created :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` objects will be associated. :param scopefunc: An optional function which defines the current scope. If not passed, the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session` object assumes “thread-local” scope, and will use a Python ``threading.local()`` in order to maintain the current :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`. If passed, the function should return a hashable token; this token will be used as the key in a dictionary in order to store and retrieve the current :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`. :param query_cls: Class which should be used to create new ``Query`` objects, as returned by :attr:`~sqlalchemy_unchained.ModelManager.query`. :param kwargs: Any extra kwargs to pass along to :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.sessionmaker`. """ return scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=bind, query_cls=query_cls, **kwargs), scopefunc=scopefunc)
[docs]def init_sqlalchemy_unchained(database_uri, session_scopefunc=None, query_cls=BaseQuery, isolation_level=None, **kwargs): """ Main entry point for connecting to the database. :param database_uri: The SQLAlchemy database URI to connect to. :param session_scopefunc: The function to use for automatically scoping the session. Defaults to ``None``, which means you have full control over the session lifecycle. :param query_cls: Class which should be used to create new ``Query`` objects, as returned by :attr:`~sqlalchemy_unchained.ModelManager.query`. :param isolation_level: The isolation level to use for the engine connection. :param kwargs: Any extra keyword arguments to pass to :func:`declarative_base`. :return: Tuple[engine, Session, Model, relationship] """ isolation_level = isolation_level or ( 'REPEATABLE READ' if database_uri.startswith('postgresql') else None) if isolation_level: engine = create_engine(database_uri, isolation_level=isolation_level) else: engine = create_engine(database_uri) Session = scoped_session_factory(bind=engine, scopefunc=session_scopefunc, query_cls=query_cls) SessionManager.set_session_factory(Session) Model = declarative_base(bind=engine, **kwargs) relationship = _wrap_with_default_query_class(_relationship, query_cls) return engine, Session, Model, relationship